Where did my motivation go?

I’m trying to find the motivation to get up and exercise this morning. Its Saturday morning and I usually get a workout in after making breakfast for my family. I slept in a little later than usual since my cat, Tiger woke me up in the middle of the night. He is so cute and lovable, but I really don’t like it when he walks all over me while I’m sleeping.

I got up and made breakfast (after making the coffee first of course!)

 and now…here I am sitting in front of the computer struggling to get up and workout.

I don’t like the fact that I can be extremely motivated for working out one day and then I lose it. We are having nice weather here and an outside walk/jog would be lovely. Maybe I need Bob and Jillian from The Biggest Loser to come and drag me out of my chair!

 I really do not like the picture below, but it does remind me that I can do it! I can give you a long list of excuses of why I don’t have the time to exercise, but I feel guilty with that kind of thinking. With a family, full time job, and other responsibilities, I am easily distracted from exercise. I am glad that I have registered for 2 5k walks for May. Hopefully that will get me off the couch.

How do you stay motivated to exercise?